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Soy is tooth friendly

The consumption of soy seems beneficial to the health of the teeth. This emerges from a Japanese study involving nearly 4,000 Japanese students. The study was published in the journal BioMed Central Public Health. Soybean and isoflavonen seem to protect against certain diseases of the gums and jaw.

Periodontal disorders are chronic inflammation of the gums and / or the upper and lower jaws. These disorders can lead to gum bleeding, loss of teeth and in the worst case even deteriorating gums. The cause is usually a bacterial plaque. The main precautions to prevent these disorders are brushing your teeth regularly and flossing, not smoking, regular dentition and a balanced diet. But the immune system plays an important role in preventing these disorders. The isoflavonen from soybean are increasingly associated with a positive effect on the immune system. Therefore, the Japanese researchers investigated the impact of soybean consumption on tooth diseases.[add] The study involved nearly 4,000 Japanese students between 18 and 22 years. Through a questionnaire, the eating habits of the students were checked. 8% had experienced a periodontal disorder. Students with a high soy consumption (average 86.5 grams per day) had 37% less chance of the occurrence of dental disease than students who ate less soy (on average 13.1 grams per day). Even if one looks at the influence of teeth brushing and smooking was taken into account, the beneficial effect of soy consumption remained.

This is the first study that focuses on the relationship between soy and tooth health. The result is promising, but it goes without saying that further research will be carried out to obtain a clearer and more detailed picture about the positive impact of soya on tooth health.
Soy products fit perfectly into a balanced diet. The fact that this study mentioned that soy may also be tooth friendly, is an additional advantage.

Source: Tanaka K, Sasaki S, Murakami K, Okubo H, Takahashi Y, Miyake Y. Relationship between soy and isoflavone intake and periodontal disease: the Freshmen in Dietetic Courses Study II. BMC Public Health 2008;8:39.


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