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Risk of stroke may fall by 54 procent from normal soy consumption

For the first time a scientific study shows that a high soy consumption can significantly reduce the risk of developing a stroke. The research carried out in Japan indicates a risk reduction of no less than 54%.

The WHO Monica study shows that the incidence of stroke vary from population to population of 3 to 23 per 100,000 inhabitants per year. Like the risk of heart disease a healthy lifestyle can also significantly reduce risk of strokes. A healthy diet and exercise are two important parameters. Stop smoking and limiting alcohol are also important.[add] The Japanese researchers therefore investigated the relationship between certain dietary factors and the risk of a stroke. In a case-control study, the eating habits of the past five years from 201 people who had had a stroke were compared with those of 201 healthy people. All participants were between 30 and 79 years old. The two groups were similar in terms of age and sex, and other risk factors. In humans with a high soy consumption (four or more drinks per week), the researchers found a significant reduction of risk of a stroke by 54%, compared with those who consumed little or no soy.

Further research must confirm these findings. The researchers found the results already promising: "These findings suggest that a diet that contains a lot of soy products may offer protection against strokes." In Belgium, a few hundred people suffer a brain haemorrhage, the effect of which can be very serious.

Sources: Okamoto K, Horisawa R. Soy products and risk of an aneurysmal rupture subarachnoid hemorrhage in Japan. Eur J Cardiovasc Prev Rehabil 2006;13:284-7.

Ingall T, Asplund K, Mahonen M, Bonita R. A Multinational Comparison of Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Epidemiology in the WHO MONICA Stroke Study. Stroke 2000;31:1054-61


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